FEATURES: • Set contains: 68410, 68411, 68412, 68413, 68414, 68415, and 68416 • Includes pouch with marked pockets for each wrench • Open ends offset at 15-degree angle for confined working areas • 15-degree angle offset of box ends provides clearance over obstructions • Forged from highest quality alloy-steel • Corrosion resistant • Nickel chrome plated
SPECIFICATIONS: • Application: General Purpose • Material: Alloy Steel • Number of Pieces: 7 • Included: 7 Combination Wrenches, 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2", 9/16", 5/8", and Carry Case • Weight: 1.2 lb (0.6 kg)
This Klein Tools 7-Piece Combination Wrench Set includes seven of the most popular wrench sizes. Each wrench has an open-end and a box wrench, both with the same size opening. This set also comes with a pouch that has marked pockets for each wrench and hanging grommets.